What is the difference between Linux and Windows hosting? Принт

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What is the difference between Windows and Linux hosting? It is indeed a very common and confusing thing for some of new web hosting customers. The first thing people notice on the web hosting provider’s website is, the different packages in Linux and Windows systems are available, but from there they can’t figure out the difference of capabilities of the both systems. Following we tried to summarize the difference between Linux and Windows hosting and which one is suitable for you?

The difference between Windows hosting and Linux hosting is basically, the operating system of the server. Both servers, both one and the other system have installed programs to operate as a web server. Your page will be equally served by both the systems and whether you use Windows or Linux, your visitor will not notice anything on your website.

There are other differences in terms of the set of technologies the operating system uses.  Because web servers used in Linux are different from those used in Windows. Likewise, programming technologies also vary at some places. Windows has ability to program in ASP or .NET, while Linux often uses PHP. Same is the case with the databases.

So let's say, if your website will not have any programming language or database, the choice is yours what you want Windows or Linux. Though, it is said that the Linux system with Apache web server is more stable than the Windows system with IIS web server. Also, as most of the time Windows properties are somewhat expensive, so transfer on Linux hosting can be a smart choice.

If your site will take a database with server -side programming, then everything depends on the technologies you prefer to work. If you want to program, for example .NET your interest will go with Windows, and if you want to use PHP, Linux will serve you better.

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