What is domain redirect and how do I create it? Skriv ut

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This useful feature of your cPanel allows you to redirect the visitors of a specific page to another particular page, you just need to understand the following few points to create a redirect.

Login to your cPanel

Reach and click “Redirect” within the category on “Domains” in your cPanel

Type: Select from the dropdown menu the kind of redirect you want to create, there are two options. Permanent 301 and Temporary 302, the difference between two are the permanent is the kind of redirect that direct search engine and visitor to the new page and update the bookmark, while the 302 does not update the bookmark and just direct the search engine to the new page. It means with 302, Search Engine continue indexing the first page.

http://(www.):  Select the redirect from domain here, and if you just want to redirect a specific page, enter the remaining URL information in the field next to domain selection dropdown.

Redirects to: Enter the complete URL (Including http, https etc) where you want your visitors to be redirected on 

Click on the "Add" button to complete the process 

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