How do I add user to MySQL database?
Follow the few simple steps to add a new user in MySQL database from your cPanel.
Login to your...
How do I create new MySQL database?
Databases are important to run several complex application structures over the web, the following...
How do I delete a user from MySQL database?
Login to your cPanel
Click on “MySQL Databases” in the section...
How do I export a MySQL database via phpMyAdmin?
Follow the instructions as below to export MySQL database using phpMyAdmin
Login to your cPanel...
How do I get MySQL database information?
You’ll be required to provide the following MySQL database access details during the...
How do I import MySQL database via phpMyAdmin?
Login to your cPanel
Click “phpMyAdmin” located within the “Databases”...
What is phpMyAdmin in cPanel?
The tool is written in php and provides a graphical user interface for the administration of the...