How do I access webmail?
You can directly access webmail from your browser by typing...
How do I change the password of my email (Webmail)?
When you know your password:
If you know your current password, even in this case you may...
How do I configure my default address?
To configure the default address login to your cPanel
Reach within the “Mail”...
How do I configure my email in Microsoft Outlook 2010?
To setup your account on Microsoft Outlook, do the following simple steps
Open outlook 2010 and...
How do I create a mailing list?
Login to your cPanel first
Click on “Mailing List” Icon located within the main...
How do I create an email account in cPanel?
Follow few simple steps to create email accounts in your cPanel
First login to your cPanel...
How do I create an email filter for specific email account?
User level email filter helps you to set preference to handle incoming emails. The different...
How do I create email forwarder in cPanel?
Follow the few simple steps to create email forwarders in cPanel
Login to your cPanel